Dov SpinksDov is an accredited Level 1 Foil & Epee coach. He enjoys long walks (on the fencing piste), reading books (about fencing), and meaningful fireside chats (with other fencers). | Coach Quote: The greatest skill to be found at either end of the sword is self-control. |
Connor BuryConnor is fun & friendly, skilled & subtle. He can teach you how to make friends and stab them. Also good with animals. | Coach Quote: Bend your Knees. |
Federico MüllerFederico, direct from South America to you; friendly & fantastic with a foil, he can fléche in three different languages. | Coach Quote: Do the thing!
Peter MayerStalwart of the club, professor, renaissance man; Peter embodies the truly classical fencer! | Coach Quote: The fencing lesson with the foil gives the student the precision and quickness of the eye, the speed of the hand, the vigor of the calf, the length of breadth...It teaches [them] to search, to discover, to surprise, and to [thrust and hit the opponent] ~Claude La Marche |
Leighlan DoeInternational man of mystery, Leighlan epées with an epée and can grow a beard in two hours. | Coach Quote: Yes, that's very cool but... ...where is the fencing? |